문대통령 방미 성과는? - 김현욱 박사 / 신세민 기자 대담
1 - Semin, let me start with you. You followed President Moon around on his most recent trip to the U.S. It was quite a busy schedule, can you tell us some of the highlights from that trip?
2 - What were his aims for the trip?
It's been non-stop diplomacy over the past couple weeks for President Moon.
Two things I want to point out -- one, getting an absolute confirmation from the North Korean leader himself on his commitment to putting down the regime's nuclear ambitions, leading to a round two of that Sentosa summit between leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump.
Another is officially confirming--once and for all that the related parties are all on the same page when it comes to the idea of putting an end to the decades-long Korean War.
And yes-- the President's schedule in both Pyeongyang and New York clearly reflects such a push,...
President Moon has gained support for his administrations' push for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula, and reaffirmed to the world that the ending of the Korean War is in the near future,... which was the first time that the South Korean President had brought that issue up on the UN stage.
3 - Professor Kim, do you think he succeeded in his aims for the trip?
4 - Semin - What can you tell us about the atmosphere you experienced there? What were the key concerns that the U.S. and foreign media have regarding North Korea?
The fact that such a development on North Korea is taking place in such a short period of time is an indication and an assurance to many, including the presidential corps,... that perhaps the process on bringing the Korean Peninsula closer to peace,... is on the right track.
So some of the presidential press pool who had accompanied President Moon both to Pyeongyang and to New York say that the general atmosphere during the summit meetings he had held was positive.
Concerns though have kept coming in from the conservative media in the U.S.,... still skeptical of whether the deal between Pyeongyang and Washington will actually unfold in the right direction, given the stalled relations since June.
So that interview President Moon had held with the conservative-leaning Fox News during his stay in New York,... was seen as an effort to quell such looming skepticism head-on.
And the responses following that interview,.. of course added to the view of him being the ultimate mediator-- as President Trump called him the "only person who can solve this problem."